Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Controversy over Gordon

So, apparently I lose points for not owning the Barenaked Ladies album "Gordon", and I made a serious faux pas over BrunchyBits today by referring to the song "What a Good Boy" as "What a Nice Boy", taking my Indie Street Cred down to maybe a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10.

What do I do?

Aside from buy "Gordon" fifteen years too late.

DragonFruit says that the live version, which I have, is a different animal, and I agree.

This all came up because I had been listening to "Lakini's Juice" by Live and it had given me chills. "What a Good Boy" does that too, if not provoke clean tears.

Do my electronica unknowns make up for this? Or do they just make me *lame*?

I'll defend Thievery Corporation until the cows come home.

Belle & Sebastian were on the overhead speakers at Knit Central today. That's sooooo 2002. Vintage Indie.


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