Friday, October 17, 2008

Agreed: These Are Shoes Deserving of Punishment

DragonFruit and I spent a good twenty minutes on the phone yesterday trying to decide which is the most tragic shoe on, a horrible outlet for "designer" shoes.

This one won, hands down.

Note the subtleties of construction: the mirrored pebbling of the cuff, the fishnet detail on toe and heel, the lovely saddle-shoe construction that frames the cut out.

Truly spectacular!

Truly vomitous.

Only girls from New Jersey would wear these shoes. Or streetwalkers in L.A.

Thoughts, DragonFruit?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

BrunchyBits, 15 October: The Water of Moral Obligation

  • DragonFruit = Two Egg Breakfast (Over-Medium) + Extra Piece of Toast + The Water of Moral Obligation
  • CoffeeWhore = Three-Cheese Omelette + Extra Fruit (no potatoes) + Coffee + The Water of Moral Obligation
  • Plum Jam
  • 3 cups of coffee for CoffeeWhore
  • 1h 15min of delicious food and conversation
  • Waitress = HS SoccerChick
San Liberal is in a massive drought right now, so much so that they won't even bring you water when you sit down to eat unless you ask for it. And then they bring you, as they say here in S.L. ginormous glasses of water, of which you must drink all, because otherwise it's a waste. We've been talking about this for a while, and finally settled on the notion that there is a moral obligation to drink all the water, because of the drought. And thus the notion of the Water of Moral Obligation was born.

It makes it feel kind of sacred.

Friday, October 10, 2008

BrunchyBits, 8 October: The Saga of the Chai Latte

  • DragonFruit = Two Egg Breakfast + Aborted Chai Latte + Extra Slice of Toast
  • CoffeeWhore = Two Egg Breakfast + No Potatoes + Extra Fruit
  • Jam = PLUM!
  • 2.5 Cups of Coffee Consumed by CoffeeWhore
  • 1.5 hours spent in delicious convo
Both DragonFruit and CoffeeWhore were experiencing some stressful situations at Brunch on 8 October, so much of the conversation was taken up with personal stuff that doesn't belong on any blog... although few people actually obey that rule.

Funny, however, was DragonFruit's Chai Latte, made for us by The New Waitress, who informed us she was leaving to take a job with an environmental action group nearby... And it's a good thing, too, because she has no clue how to make a Chai Latte.

Usually, Chai Lattes look like, well, lattes. Pale brown, foamy, sweet to even observe. The New Waitress brought a Chai Latte to the table that looked precisely like a Guinness. Brown-red with foam on the top. We both recoiled at the sight of it, and New Waitress looked on, stupefied, wondering what she had done wrong. As it turns out, she had no idea of how to make a chai latte.

DragonFruit patiently waited until it was cool enough to sip, and promtly nearly gagged. New Waitress had simply taken concentrated chai mix and steamed it straight from the box. No milk, nada.

We tried to explain to her what she did wrong, and she looked mortified. Then she said "The thing is, I've made a couple of these this past week, and no one complained!" "Really?" "Yeah, they all said they loved it."

It just goes to show how faux-polite people in San Liberal can be, because we've seen chai lattes before, we've drunk chai lattes before, and, I'm sorry ma'am, but that was no chai latte.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Brunchy Bits, 6 October!

BrunchyBits Menu 6 October 2008

  • DragonFruit = Two Egg Breakfast, Eggs Scrambled + Extra Toast and Chai Latte
  • CoffeeWhore = Two Egg Breakfast, Eggs Scrambled + Extra Fruit and Coffee
  • GRAPE!
  • 3 Cups
  • 1.5 hours
  • Waitress = SoccerChick from CoffeeWhore's HS, graduated one year after C.W.
Stay tuned for an update on the convo and contro that we encountered today!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Hire a lesbian: her man-hating feminazism will spice up those dull faculty meetings and put the fear of God into all those old white pedophiles too!

Now, in case it isn't amply apparent from the title, I just want to say that this post is going to offend pretty much everyone who reads it. You have been warned.

Alright, here we go: identity politics. Specifically, Diversity Fair politics. Fuck Diversity Fairs. The buzzwords of diversity are just as guilty of stereotyping, generalizing, and oversimplifying as the very power structures that they are supposedly responding to. You know this, CoffeeWhore. We talk about it all the time.

"Diversity," as it stands currently, does nothing more than take something that some folks see as a negative and try - usually lamely - to reframe it as a positive. It pretty much boils down to insulting sound bytes like "I'm not handicapped, I'm handi-capable!" This kind of tacky marketing ploy is utterly vile and condescending. To everyone, really, but most especially to the people it is supposedly trying to "empower."

Real diversity is not something that anyone can see or label. To illustrate:

My undergraduate jurisprudence professor was a middle-aged, white, Oxford educated, heterosexual man. No diversity buzzwords in that cover letter, I'm guessing, and one might venture to say that he wouldn't have added much diversity to the faculty. Three minutes of conversation with him, however, revealed that he was a socialist. He had a Soviet flag hanging from the bulletin board in his office. His perspective added a lot more diversity than that of the spunky young female professor down the hall ("Sandra Day O'Connor is a traitor to her vagina..." blah blah fucking blah).

On top of frequently being invisible, real diversity is often relative:

On Election Day, 2004, I overheard a conversation in a courtyard at San Liberal University. A black, homosexual classmate of mine was holding forth about how he was going to vote for George W. Bush because he was certain that once he had his degree, he was going to be in a high tax bracket. I'm thinking that despite having a cover letter liberally sprinkled with anecdotes about how his race and sexuality have left him "twice silenced," this young man would probably bring more actual diversity to a gay pride parade than he would to a board room full of pre-visitation Ebeneezer Scrooges.

Which is all to say, don't let faux-diversity define you or influence the opinions you hold of other people. We are what we are, and that cannot be captured even in the slightest by checking a series of boxes.

Now, about bisexuality. Bisexuals are the black sheep of the sexual identity landscape. Bisexual women are treated as though it's some kind of experimentation phase - an increasingly necessary step towards the attainment of one's Mrs. degree, certainly - but, in the end, still merely a phase. Bisexual men, meanwhile, are treated as though they are firmly on the train to Gayville but trying nevertheless to cling to some fictitious vestige of masculinity and hetero respectability.

I am a fan of "queer," and though I'm not sure I understand your reticence about that word, I do agree that using it risks having people ask you for your, as you put it, "sexual C.V." in order to suss out just how queer you really are.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. We don't need to worry about word choice unless we decide that you need to "come out" at this Diversity Fair or on the job market.

To my mind, placing too much emphasis on one's diversity credentials comes across as an announcement that one is not actually capable of doing the relevant job. Pushing too hard on "Look at me! I'm an Jewish albino dwarf lesbian Eskimo with a beard!" tends to carry with it the implication that one lacks other necessary or desirable credentials and is trying to pull the proverbial wool over a potential employer's eyes.

Even setting aside that concern, outing yourself as a bisexual woman is particularly dicey. For one thing, there will be people who dismiss you as a straight white woman of privilege who is grasping at any "axis" of diversity she can get her hands on. They will dismiss completely the possibility that your sexual identity is legitimate, and they will see you as a sneaky bitch, which is clearly no good.

Then there will be people who accept that you are bisexual but who see that word as nothing other than the politically correct term for "slut." They will be put out that you would overshare so blatantly with a potential employer, and/or they will see you as a corruptive little minx for luring so many otherwise sexually pure innocents down the morally bankrupt path of pansexual polyamory. Again, clearly no good.

There may also be a third class, made up of sluts who call themselves "bisexual," and one or more of them may hit on you. Potentially interesting, but probably not the way you want to go about getting a job.

So what should you do?

Well, one more thing before I quite get there. Recognize that you are really very lucky to be invisibly "diverse." I can speak from personal experience that when you can't pass for straight, people see that you're gay and promptly think they know everything about you. I have told you, haven't I, about the customer at work who perpetually tries to strike up conversations with me about queer current events, which have included everything from various marriage controversies to the foot-tappings of one Larry Craig. Very enjoyable, that is. Now, true, if you pass as straight, people think they know something about you too. But there's a lot more breathing room there. Heterosexuals aren't generally accused of having an "agenda," after all.

So I say, embrace the freedom that comes with being ambiguously academic and tweedy; let people speculate if they want to, and then decline to give them a clear answer. But most important of all (cue schmaltzy afterschool special music), don't let other people's narrow viewpoints have any impact on how you view yourself. You are what you are. You will call yourself whatever you want to, if in fact you choose to call yourself anything, and you have the power to make decisions about which of your features are relevant to wooing potential employers.

The power is all yours. To paraphrase The Tick, Hug your power, CoffeeWhore. Hug it.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Splitting Nits and Picking Hairs: CoffeeWhore on Sexual Identity Politics

I've never written about something as touchy as sexual identity politics before. Usually I confine myself to things like shoes-- DragonFruit and I share the same size, and so that makes for much convenience at times, and cameraderie... But here I go, avoiding the subject that I set out to discuss when I came here, essentially by saying, "Hey, nice shoes!..."

There's an end to that sentence that cannot be said in polite company.

Digression, it is key for the CoffeeWhore.

**What's in a name?**

It came up recently the question of whether I qualify as a "diversity student" according to San Liberal U's standards, where I attend grad school. I'm on the market this year, looking for a job. San Liberal U was holding a fair for employers looking to "diversify their faculty"-- holding informal interviews and such.

  • I'm a Caucasian female. That's neither here nor there anymore on the diversity scale.
  • I'm bipolar. We'll be keeping that one under our hats for now. It makes me diverse, but in a scary "can-she-be-relied-upon" way.
  • I'm bisexual... And suddenly I'm Capital-D diverse! WTF?!

But, there are a couple problems with "being bisexual".

  1. It's not something that easily announces itself, not that I would really need to since technically, technically, this career fair was "open to all".

  2. I'm not very fond of the term "bisexual". Why? Because it still has baggage. And in spite of the fact that my last pseudoname is "Whore", this has nothing to do with my bisexuality-- which many, many people would assume it does. There's still a stigma about bisexuality, in that a whole sector of the population equate it with the phrase "Will Sleep With Anyone".
And so, what, do I walk into this career fair wearing a sign that says "I'm Diverse! Trust me! I really, really am!"

Or do I just not go, and cower again behind my apparent Snarky-Tweed-Wearing-Academic Normalcy.

I don't like the term bisexual; I like "queer", but I hesitate to use it for a variety of reasons, which I'm sure will become apparent over time; I'm not going to ennumerate them today.

So, Diversity Fair... How open are you to a diversity that has relatively little transparency? And really, really, how fair is it that I be weighed and measured in this way, or have to prove myself to you, give you my diversity credentials, as it were? I might as well give you my sexual C.V.-- that's what this feels like.

I am not pleased.

In fact, I am rather perturbed.

DragonFruit, care to venture a response? I do not wish to put words in your mouth like I did with Gordon.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

BrunchyBits Today!

Today's BrunchyBits Menu:
  • DragonFruit = 2 egg breakfast + 2 pieces of toast
  • CoffeeWhore = Caprisi Sandwich + Green Salad
  • PLUM! (Very thick, thick Jam... mmm)
  • 4 cups of coffee for CoffeeWhore
  • 1h 20m spent in delicious conversation
Today's BrunchyBits Table Topics:
  • The politics of recycling and homelessness in San Liberal
  • The gratuitous depravity of "The L Word"
  • Is CoffeeWhore "diverse"? amongst yourselves...